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One planet, one water source

Our Earth is a rare rock in the cosmic universe. It has diversity to it unlike any other planet around. We know that our Earth is composed of many chemical compounds that make life possible, but there is one catalyst that is present in our everyday lives that we seem to overlook, and that is water. Water (H2O) is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Without water, the Earth would be a lifeless uninhabitable dust bowl. We have found water in various forms on other planets in the universe but, what makes our planet unique is that here H2O exists in three forms: as a gas, a liquid, and a solid. The orbital geometry in relation to the sun explains why. Any closer to the sun and the Earth would burn up like the planet mercury, any farther from the sun the earth would frozen solid like Pluto. Humans are composed of water, we play on water, we consume it, bath ourselves in it, and yet somehow, in the lapse of time we have lost our gratuitous connection to it; assuming it will always be there, like a never ending tap.

In reality fresh clean water is a very limited resource. Our Earth is composed of only about 2% fresh water and yet life has seemed to thrive on that minimal amount for over hundreds of millions of years. Some forget this compound is the very catalyst needed for life. The earliest protists’, fungi’s, and multicellular micro-organisms that developed on earth needed a medium in which they could thrive, and some scientists even suggest that this primordial soup from which we came from was mostly water. Water accessibility has not always been so abundant. Our ancestors used to dance with joy when it rained since the collection of rain water was one of their major sources of clean drinking water they had. Water also fed their crops, and their animals. So it seems that water has been the premiere natural resource of this planet since the dawn of Earth.

So why do we let this resource become polluted and damaged in unrepairable ways? Why do we try to change it and not conserve it? The simple answer is that we all forget where our water comes from. It comes from the Earth, a resource we have become so accustomed to that we forgot to respect it in its entirety. The very tragic irony is that we could stop this destruction from happening, by waking up to the fact that the planet is on the verge of a water crisis, due in the coming years as a result of climate change. Our people have over exasperated this limited resource. The time is now to change that. We have only been awarded one planet, with one water source. Exponential planetary change is imminent, and it is our job, as the people of this land who came from this planet to take care of it and its most viable valuable natural resource. It is time to get to work and make the change for a more positive future. Conserve and fight for the potable water resources we have left.

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